Please lock the door when you go out even if other share-mates are at home.
共有部の利用/The use of the common areas
Please don’t place your belongings in the common areas (main entrance, bathroom, kitchen, hallway, shower room, living room and such). Please refrain from occupying the common areas and keep them clean and organized. A shower room is available from 5am to 1am, and washing machine is available from 6am to 23pm.
*Shower rooms and washing machines are available for 24 hours at GreenFort Yokohama Sakuragicho.
After using kitchen, please clean up gas stoves and utensils, and put them back in a designated place after drying them out.
節電・節水/Saving electricity and water
Electricity, water, and the internet are included in a flat-rate as a common service fee, but we may charge an extra fee if there is an extreme increase in the use of utilities or a considerable revision of the fee. Please keep in mind to save electricity and water and to turn off unnecessary lights and AC.
Visitors are welcomed from 9am to 22pm, but please do not disturb other people in the house by talking loudly and making noises. Please inform other share-mates beforehand whenever you bring someone in. Women’s sharehouse permits only female guest.
受動喫煙の防止/Prevention of passive smoking
Smoking is not allowed inside of the property to prevent passive smoking. As an ashtray is not provided, please take care of your own cigarettes.
ごみだし/Placement of garbage
GreenFort 横浜桜木町ではゴミ出しのルールが異なります。詳細は現地で説明いたします。
Placement of garbage is taken by turns based on the order agreed between residents and the management company. Please follow the rules and schedule in your region. Garbage is categorized into: 1. Burnable 2. Recyclable (plastic, pet-bottle, cans, paper) 3. Burnable.
Another garbage rule is applied at at GreenFort Yokohama Sakuragicho.
個室の清掃/Cleaning your room
Please bear in mind to keep your room clean on your own responsibility. Cleaning tools such as a vacuum cleaner and floor mop are available.
共有部の清掃/Cleaning the common areas
GreenFort 横浜桜木町では、共用部の業者清掃が週に2~3回入りますので、清掃当番はありません。
Cleaning the common areas (approach from the gate, front door, hallway, bathroom, shower room, kitchen, area around washing machine, living/dining room) is taken by turns based on the order agreed between residents and the management company. Cleaning tools are provided by the management company.
Cleaning staff comes to GreenFort Yokohama Sakuragicho two or three times a week. So there is no cleaning duty at common area.
商品等の販売勧誘等の禁止/Prohibition of selling products and soliciting others
Any actions such as explaining, selling, and showing products related to multi-level marketing / pyramid scheme are strictly forbidden in the house.
Share-house is “Communal living.” It is said why it attracts people is that living with someone together would set you free from the loneliness of living alone and the boring and monotonous days. However, you would feel cramped by constantly paying mind to others in the house. We are all different. It is important that you carry a positive mindset to try to understand others you’ve never met before. Not “paying mind to others” but more like “being considerate of others” is the key attitude – We sincerely hope you enjoy a share-life from the bottom of your heart.